Planned Day vs Real Dayy

Detailed PlanArty feature description & usage tips

In the left menu access Planning → Planned day

In the list of your Activities, set the number of hours you want to spend on them daily. You don’t have to do this for all of them, just the ones that you are particularly interested in verifying.

Note: you can set different time periods for the days of the week and for the weekends

As you’ll track your time, you will see in real-time the comparison between the time you set out to spend doing certain activities and the real hours spent on them. This is very helpful when you want to improve your time-management skills. It will also help you estimate more accurately the time you need to do a particular activity.

Moreover, you can make sure that you get enough rest, that you exercise as much as you should, or that you spend as much time with your family as you want.

By default, the information regarding the current day will be displayed. If you want to see the comparison for another day, select the desired date.

Note: You can change anytime the hours planned (weekdays & weekends).