Time Management Solution

for Freelancers and Small business owners

happy freelancer giving a highfive to a clock
• Stay on top of your busy schedule and easily keep track of your billable time.
• Achieve your goals faster with PlanArty’s streamlined workflow.
• Focus on growing your business, and enjoy a perfect work-life balance.

Time management Features

Time tracking

time tracking

The key to your business growth

Keeping yourself accountable for your billing hours improves your time management skills, boost your productivity, and this inevitably leads to a remarkable increase of incomes

More about Time Tracking
time tracking

To-do list

to-do list

Get more results per unit of time

You know exactly what you need to do next and see clearly how your plans turn into reality. The motivators that will increase your daily productivity

More about To-do list
to-do list

Someday tasks

someday tasks

Free your mind and focus on your work

Leaving aside the things you haven't committed to yet makes you work much more focused and efficient. At the same time, make sure you don't miss out on any of your great ideas

Learn about Someday tasks
someday tasks



Plan and Do everything at the right time

The complete picture of your schedule allows you to be flexible with your plans, avoid overloading the day and overlapping tasks

Learn about Calendar

Business Features

Estimates / Quotations

estimates and quotations

Get to work on anything you want

Impress your potential clients and build their trust from the very beginning by offering the necessary details and total transparency

Details on Estimates / Quotations
estimates and quotations

Project breakdown

project breakdown

Easy plan and keep on track your projects

Successfully meet your projects deadlines by planning carefully, adjusting when necessary, and meeting each milestone

Read about Project breakdown
project breakdown

Detailed timesheet

detailed timesheet

Let the numbers do the talking

Gain your customer's loyalty and overcome their concerns by showing exactly how you have worked on their project

Details about Detailed timesheet
detailed timesheet


PlanArty invoice

Get paid for your work

Always keep your high standard and pleasantly impress your clients by sending them a professional-looking invoice for your work

Learn more about Invoicing
PlanArty invoice

Productivity Boosters

Continuous workflow

Work smart, not hard

Your projects quickly advance from estimate to invoice, without unnecessary interruptions or repetitions

Details on PlanArty's continuous workflow
bar chart showing planned vs real time

Planned Day vs Real Day

Stay on track, always

At a glance, you know exactly how things are and you make the right decision about your next move

Keep yourself accountable
bar chart showing planned vs real time
pie chart showing planned vs spent time ratios

Excel Export

Keep it simple and efficient

All your data is available in the most used format so that you can use it anytime, however you need

Details about the Export
Detailed scheduling opened in excel

Time management solution suitable for

everyone who wants to improve their performance both personally and professionally

Determined people

a smiling determined woman
Easily keep your goals in sight, carefully plan your actions and focus on fulfilling all your big dreams.
Use your time wisely and enjoy the success. Time management in everyday life


freelancer sitting at a desk in front of a calculator
PlanArty has all the tools you need to improve your productivity while saving time and energy.
Enjoy your daily achievements and thrive. Patrick's experience

Small business owners

bunsiness owner runnning
Time management streamlines the way you work and let you focus on growing your business.
This brings more income and higher profits. Why was PlanArty created?

Frequently asked questions

What does PlanArty bring me?

  • Time tracking & planning
  • Time-saving tools
  • Business Features
  • Timely data insights
  • Well-structured reports
  • Continuous workflow

Where can I see the results?

  • Personal development
  • Increased productivity
  • Maximum efficiency
  • Better revenues
  • Higher profit
  • Business growth

When can I use PlanArty

  • Anytime, anywhere, from any device connected to the internet

Why use PlanArty?

  • Tested efficiency across multiple projects, many clients from multiple countries
  • One click, no gaps - an efficient way to track every single second
  • A real time-saver designed to save your time, not to spend even more of it!

How can I have all these?

Start now for free
  • No credit card required
  • 14 days trial period
  • FREE package available
patrick wondering

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