Doing Things Is Not the Same As Getting Things Done

How The Rapid Planning Method Can Help You Prioritize

A man pushing a clock up a hill

Rapid Planning Method or RPM may be exactly what you need to get the lifestyle you’ve always wanted.

Did you know that you have the tools to enhance your quality of life and it will not cost you a cent?

All it takes is the drive to take a vision and make it real.

Time management plays a huge role in this yes, but the key also lies in ensuring you can live on your own terms rather than someone else’s.
Sure, they may be paying your salary. But do you really want to spend the rest of your life working for someone else and making them richer on your behalf? What is in it for you and how can you get to where they are or where you want to be in life?

Simple. By prioritizing your goals and taking actionable steps towards them without compromising your self-worth and health.
That is the sign of true leaders. They have found ways to not only maximize their resources but also their health, time, the people they know, the concepts they have learned, and their physical energy.

By nurturing this tendency, they have also learned how they can increase their enjoyment level. It is one of the main reasons why they can find happiness in the darkest of times and even if they are financially strained. Think about it. If you are a millionaire but are always under stress or feel anxious all the time, what have you really achieved?

How the Rapid Planning Method Can Help

This is where the Rapid Planning Method can prove invaluable. The brainchild of Tony Robbins, the extraordinary self-help guru, this system of thinking is more than a treatise that can help you achieve your goals – it can help you increase your joy and sense of fulfillment as well.

To put this into action efficiently you have to remember that where your focus goes, your energy quickly follows.
If you control your focus, you will be able to tap into limitless energy which can allow you to perform consistently well and avoid burnout.

That fuel should drive you as you try to decide where you want to be in life. With time, this drive will help you shift your focus from what everyone else demands from you, or your fears, to what is most important in your life.

Tony Robbins, the creator of RPM Method

As previously mentioned, Tony Robbins is the one who created the Rapid Planning Method. Born on February 29, 1960, in Los Angeles, California, he is an entrepreneur, life & business strategist, bestselling author, and also a philanthropist. Besides all this, he is also very well known for amazingly powerful seminars on business, self-mastery, and leadership.

RPM, the Results-oriented Purpose-driven Massive Action Plan

At his Rapid Planning Method, we can also think of a Results-oriented Purpose-driven Massive Action Plan. From this point of view, the first step to take towards the life you set out to live is to answer the 3 questions that will help you focus and accomplish your vision.

‘R’ for Results

1. What’s my result?
The target is the Result you are after, and it should be stated clear and specific.
Clarity is power
Tony Robbins

The answer to this question is focused solely on how we think about ongoing projects we are interested in. This can be tricky because we are made to multi-task and rely on lists to take care of each task. Go to this meeting, read this book, visit so and so relative = our days are filled with to-do lists.

The R from the Rapid Planning Method can teach you to think about that list in a productive manner. For example, instead of saying, ‘have a dinner meeting with Sophia’, focus the task on the result you want to achieve by saying ‘meet up with Sophia to discuss x, y, z issue of a project’.
In other words, refocus your attention on the actual particulars of each task in the list and the results you are looking for. When you think like this, everything becomes much clearer and you feel all of that stress drain away.

This way of thinking turns the tables on stress by easing our inner monologue. Instead of saying ‘Meet with John for payroll issues’ say, ‘Meet with John at 4 pm for lunch to discuss how salaries will be disbursed.’ In other words, focus on the final outcome, not the physical aspect of each task. It doesn’t matter how you get there or what you do, as long as you get your result.

Your actions can change, but not the outcome you are looking for. It does not matter whether you meet John at a bistro or in the conference room. What matters, are the results you are looking for and the action plan you need to discuss to achieve it.

Once you realize that, get to the second question.

‘P’ for Purpose

2. What’s my Purpose?
The answer should state why do you want to do this?
Is very different want to then have to
Tony Robbins

A result that is not driven by a purpose might as well be obsolete. Your reason for acquiring any result should be one of the driving forces of your action plan. Say you want to create a presentation for a big meeting by say, Wednesday, 3:00 pm. That is a great result, but what is the intent or reason behind it?

Is there a purpose behind the presentation? If no one is going to learn anything from it and you just created, it for the sake of it (or to impress your boss) you are not going to stand behind it when it really matters.

For example, if the presentation was meant to train employees about their job, you will not be able to motivate yourself to care about their progress.
As soon as you face a challenge, you are not even going to look at your presentation to see where you went wrong. You will either procrastinate or drop it altogether.

However, if you have a clear purpose in mind for the presentation, you can push through the challenge and make amends.

For example, let's say the purpose of the training was to train employees on how to approach difficult customers. But some employees need extra help. Instead of ignoring them, because your goal is to provide quality customer support, you will be motivated to meet with them and see where they are going wrong.

If you do not have a purpose working behind the results you are looking for at this point, you will get caught up in other things. Your purpose has to be the answer to why you are doing this in the first place. If you have a great purpose, you are not going to have trouble coming up with solutions to challenges in your way.

Once you have also established this, move on to the third question.

‘M’ for Massive action plan

3. What’s my Massive Action Plan?
Establish what do you need to do, as clearly and detailed as possible.
The arrow that gets you to your target is your action
Tony Robbins

Massive Action Plan or MAP refers to the actions or steps you need to take to get the purpose-driven result you are looking for. At this point, you already know what/where you want to get and why you want to do it. Now, all you need to do is determine how you are going to achieve it.

According to Tony Robbins, this is the least important part not because of lack of significance, but because it only allows you to come to a goal you are dead set on. If you already have a great and clear result in mind, how you get there will take care of itself.

However, for that to be possible, your goal should be extremely clear. For example, say your goal is that you want to lose some weight. That is not a clear enough result. For one thing, it does not have a deadline and it does not verify the numbers you want to see on that scale on that deadline either.

You do not have to go overboard and burn out in the process. Reevaluate your goal as baby steps. Say you want to lose one pound in two weeks. If you manage to meet that goal, update your MAP by saying you will lose two pounds by two weeks and so on till you reach your ideal weight.
You can refine it further by saying you have to lose 30 pounds by the 30th of July or by mid-May.

The point is that your Result or goal has to be crystal clear in your mind and your Purpose has to be something meaningful, so it inspires you. For this, your Purpose may be that you want to fit into those skinny jeans you used to rock in college or a low-backed dress you saw in a store.
Once you have these two figured out, your brain will take over and determine ways to reach that goal. You have to remember that there is no single way to get the results you are looking for. For example, you do not have to join a gym. Just jog every day around the block and work out at home.

The bottom line is that as long as you are driven, how you get the results you need will take care of itself. Challenges will fall like matches once you have the Rapid Planning Method down pat.

The five parts of Rapid Planning Method

1 Capture

In this part, you put down everything that you can think that you have to do. Usually, this will make you create a list with a lot of things to do.

To organize this list, you can "chunk" it according to the areas of their expected results. For example, you can include in an area called “Relationships” all the activities related to family, friends, or your romantic partner. Similarly, you can chunk all the other activities into their corresponding areas like for example work/career/mission, spirituality, health, or education.

This way, the list of your results will drastically reduce and how you can turn a lot into a little.

2 Create an RPM plan
This means that you have to create a Results-oriented Purpose-driven Massive Action Plan. You can do this by answering the 3 questions explained above in this specific sequence:
  • What is my Result? (or what do I want, what’s my outcome)
  • What’s my Purpose? (or why do I want to do this)
  • What’s my Massive Action Plan (MAP) (or what do I need to do)
Actions included in the MAP
  • figure out what the must are.
    In this case, you can apply the 80/20 rule analysis, also called the Pareto Principle. This means to analyze your actions while keeping in mind that not all your actions have the same level of importance. Usually, 20% of the actions you take are gonna produce 80% of the results. Therefore you should prioritize accordingly.
  • set a minimum must time - maximum amount of time
    To do this, you need to estimate the time required to perform those actions. It does not have to be a perfectly exact interval but an approximate one that reflects reality as well as possible.
  • find yourself some leverage.
    This means doing things in such a manner that will cause your actions to bring you maximum advantage.
3 Commit and schedule

Now that you have clearly established the Result, your Purpose, and MAP, it is time to Commit to transforming your idea into reality.
Therefore take your idea, commit to it and plan it. It’s recommended to plan your week before its start and your days the night before.

4 Complete and achieve

This means it is time to start working on your plan. Complete all the actions and the outcomes and achieve what matters most to you.

5 Celebrate

This is the last but not least step. Each achievement is a great motivator, no matter if it is big or small. Therefore, you should celebrate each achievement because it is what will give you the fuel to continue with even greater energy.

How to use the Rapid Planning Method in PlanArty
PlanArty is a time management solution that helps you in many ways to significantly increase your efficiency and productivity.
For example, in Someday tasks, you can Capture everything you have to do, more or less detailed exactly as you want. You can frame your activities on Projects and thus perform the Chunking process.
Easily schedule these activities by setting the time interval when you want to carry them out. Then, as you work, you just press Start on the recordings and they will turn directly into Time tracking lines.
The Calendar is the feature that will help you see the big picture of your schedule and that will help you to be flexible with your plans. With great ease, you can include new activities and you can edit existing ones.
Plan VS Done is exactly what you need to keep yourself accountable for the way you respect your plans and the time intervals allocated to each activity.
Give it a try and discover what other time management features, business features, and productivity boosters are available for you in PlanArty.
You will definitely have a lot to Celebrate.

Mariana Holostenco

Contributor at PlanArty

Economist with a degree in Marketing and International Economic Affairs. Mariana is passionate about efficient time management in business. Therefore, she shares with our readers and our team members her knowledge and experience in this domain.