Planned Day VS Real Day

Planned Day vs Real Day

to keep yourself on track in a timely fashion

Planned day is a comparison between the time you set aside for different tasks and the time you actually spent doing them.

It helps you to focus and accomplish everything you set out to do.

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See it at a glance in PlanArty

See it at a glance

PlanArty makes it easy to check if you are on time and if you respect the time allocated to different activities.

And once you know what the situation is, you can take action in a timely manner.

Allocate different amounts of time

Allocate different amounts of time

The distribution of hours on activities differs between weekend days and week days.

In PlanArty it is very simple to make this difference.

Data analysis already done

Data analysis already done

You do not have to calculate anything, the comparison and differences are displayed automatically.

You will know exactly how things are and where you need to adjust something.

Analyze any day you want

Analyze any day you want

Choose from the calendar the day for which you want to see the comparison.

It helps you better evaluate your activities according to the particularities of the days.

Learn from previous experiences

Learn from previous experiences
Learn from previous experiences
Learn from previous experiences

You may find that you can work efficient more hours a day than you thought. Or maybe that you spend too little time with your loved ones..

Either way, it is important that you find out and have the chance to act on it.


The perfect tool for self assessment

The perfect tool for self assessment

Planned day it helps you to be objective with the planning, not to overload yourself with tasks.

In PlanArty is easy to plan efficiently and work productively.

Additional features through which PlanArty helps respecting your Planned day

See all the benefits of using PlanArty's planning solutions

How can I have all this?

Determined people

a smiling determined woman

Use your time wisely, focus on fulfilling all your big dreams, and enjoy the success


freelancer sitting at a desk in front of a calculator

Work smart, save your time and energy, be productive, and thrive at what you do

Small business owners

bunsiness owner runnning

Simplify the way you work, accomplish more in less time and grow your business